Crottin de Chavignol : buy, history, maturing and recipies about this cheese with Cheeseonline shop
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Crottin de Chavignol
Crottin de Chavignol
4.35€ 60g

Its aspect

Fresh: ivory-white outer layer, creamy cheese. Semi-dry: blue and white outer layer, firm and homogeneous cheese.
Dry: solid yellow or orange outer layer, the cheese can be brittle.
The smell and taste of goat grow stonger with the maturing, to end up being quite intense.

Its maturing

2 to 4 weeks. Whope milk.
The curd has hardly any rennet added to it. It is pre-drained. Cheeses based on frozen curd cannot be called « farmer cheeses » or « farm-made cheeses ».
N.B: the AOC label does allow frozen curd.

Its history

Ever since the 16th century, the Sancerrois region has been successfully breeding goats, and quite naturally, this breeding gave birth to the production of cheeses. The « Crottin », which refers to the « crot », an oil lamp whose shape resembled the original mould, was permanently called « crottin de Chavignol » in 1829. This appellation was made necessary by the growing number of « crottins ». The weight of fresh crottins decreases all throughout the maturing. They are white to start with, and then it starts turning blue and the cheese itself starts to shine. That is when you can consume it. Its has a light, slightly salty, taste.
Later on, the taste becomes stronger, and that is the time when most people like to eat it. When warm, it blends well with green salads. As it is one of the rare cheeses to be able to be eaten at different steps in its maturing, you should read this description right to the end.

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