Cabécou de Rocamadour : buy, history, maturing and recipies about this cheese with Cheeseonline shop
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Cabécou de Rocamadour
Cabécou de Rocamadour
3.66€ 55g

Its aspect

Steaked and velvety skin. The cheese itself is white, ivory cream and dark beige, supple. Smell of goat. Nutty taste. Soft and melting texture.

Its maturing

10 days (fresh) to 6 weeks (strong). Raw milk. The curd coagulates for 20 hours at least. Drained without being cut for at least 12 hours. Kneaded, salted, moulded by hand, matured in a drying-shed or in a cellar, for 6 days at least.

Its history

Rocamadour has been called so, ever since it was awarded the AOC label. It was formerly called Cabécou de Rocamadour, or Cabécou de Gramat, and the inhabitants of the Lot department, and more precisely of the Haut-Quercy called it simply Cabécou.

It name is linked to one of the most visited places in France, the village of Rocamadour, a religious place, built into cliffs, on the way to Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. Cabécou in Langue d'Oc ( the most spoken regional dialect in France) means small goat. Due to its size, the maturing of the cheese is very quick. In just 20 days, it reaches its creamy stage, and its skin can then be detached from the cream.

When very mature, it dries out and becomes very stong. It's hardly surprising that French families buy great quantities of it (trays of 12 Rocamadour). It can be eaten warm, with the nut oil that the region produces, or with honey. It is simply delicious. Maturing

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