Selles-sur-Cher : buy, history, maturing and recipies about this cheese with Cheeseonline shop
Bleu d'Auvergne
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Bleu d'Auvergne
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5.92€ 150g

Its aspect

The rind is dark blue, the cheese itself is white, firm, delicate and melting. Slight smell of goat. Taste of hazlenuts.

Its maturing

10 days to 3 weeks. Whole milk. Curd of lactic origin, not mixed, with little rennet. Moulded with a ladle.

Its history

Selles-sur-Cher is an artisanal cheese created and consumed in a familial atmosphere. Farmers produce small quantities of it, with the milk of a few goats bred in the area called Sologne,where the weather is always particular. As for many cheeses, , humid regions have high quality pastures to offer, and indeniable gustative qualities are given to Selles-sur-Cher.

Its production was speeded up in the 19th century, and nowadays it is more and more diffused by French cheesemakers. It is the shape of a cylindrical block, covered by a layer of pulverized charcoal. Above this layer is a natural greyish-blue rnd.

The nutty aftertaste is typical of Selles-sur-Cher, and goes remarkably well with the smells of cellars that it emits and which remain in the mouth for a long time.
It can be eaten as an aperitif with a fruity wine.

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