Brie de Melun : buy, history, maturing and recipies about this cheese with Cheeseonline shop
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Brie de Melun
9.35€ 300g

Its aspect

Florid-white outer layer, strewn with streaks or red or brown marks; golden- yellow and even cheese. Fruity taste with great aroma. Saltier and stronger than Brie de Meaux. Supple, elastic cheese, but no flabbiness. Strong rural smell.

Its maturing

4 to 8 weeks. Raw milk only. The cheese is neither pressed nor cooked. Curdled milk after the lactic fermentation and sometimes adding of the rennet, 18 hours at least. Slow draining. Salted with dry salt. Moulded by hand, thanks to a « Brie spade ».

Its history

Brie de Melun is the ancestor of all the Bries. Historically speaking, this famliy of cheeses has always moved in the royal circle, from Charlemagne to Charles of Orleans, who gave this sort of cheese to the Ladies as New Years's gifts , to Louis 14th.

According to the legend, it was a Brie cheese that the corw had in its beak in La Fontaine's fable. In French restaurants, Brie is nearly always one of the cheeses presented on the cheese platter. It is also the cheese used for political meetings, company seminars and other congresses. It is always accompanied by bottles of wine and farmhouse bread. As a convivial cheese, it is quickly eaten in French buffets.

Its lactic fermentation lasts at least 18 hours, which favours the apparition of the « red ferment », that is to say red streaks underneath its white coat of its outer layer. Sronger and slatier than its cousin Brie de Meaux, its taste suits most cheese lovers.

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