Brillat-Savarin : buy, history, maturing and recipies about this cheese with Cheeseonline shop
Bleu d'Auvergne
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Bleu d'Auvergne
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11.09€ 600g

Its aspect

White downing rind with slight yellow glints. Very smoothy cheese, sweet and neutral flavor. It is even stronger with a good maturing.

Its maturing

Between 1 and 2 weeks. "Triple cream"cow milk.

Triple cream, fromage frais, rather creamy, high fat content, soft cheese, not pressed, not cooked.

Its maturing remains a secret.

Its history

This cheese is very special among all cheese provided by In fact, this cheese not pressed nor cooked, was created around 1930 by Henri Androuët, the father of the famous cheesemaker Pierre Androuët.

Brillat-Savarin used to be the name of a famous french gourmet but also a politician, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, the author of the well-known book The Physiology of Taste : Or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy. He also wrote these verses, known by all French people : A desert with no cheese is like a beauty without any heart .

It is essentially made in Normandy, but a small amount of the production is made in Paris and its region, and in Burgundy.

Note that Brillat-Savarin is quite similar to Excelsior, an other cheese of Henri Androuët also made in Normandy.

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