Chaource : buy, history, maturing and recipies about this cheese with Cheeseonline shop
Bleu d'Auvergne
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Bleu d'Auvergne
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9.70€ 250g

Its aspect

White rind, rich and regular, slight red pigment. Delicate cheese, smooth and white. Unctuous, supple but no flabbiness. Light smell of mushrooms and creme. Soft taste, with a slight touch of acidity, which does not detract from its meltiness.

Its maturing

2 weeks to 1 month. Matured cow's milk, can be raw or pasteurized. Whole, fresh. Spontaneous and slow draining.

Its history

This cheese from Champagne is said to have been created by the monks of Pontigny abbey. It was given as a present by the people of Chaource to the governor of Langres. It was named after this town of Champagne, next to the humid regionof Auxerre. It has been recognized since the 14th century. Marguerite of Bourgogne insisted on having it at her dining table and Charles le Bel was a great admirer of it.

It is only produced in two French departments: the Aube and the Yonne, which cover the Champagne, a humid region and is centered on the town of Chaource. It is then sold on regional markets and in Lyons and Paris.

This cheese can be eaten when it is still young (slightly acid taste), and gains in character as it gets older.

It is delicious when eaten as an aperitif, sliced into dices, with a glass of Port or Chamapgne.

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