Saint Nectaire : buy, history, maturing and recipies about this cheese with Cheeseonline shop
Bleu d'Auvergne
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Bleu d'Auvergne
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Saint Nectaire
Saint Nectaire
12.03€ 350g

Its aspect

Natural rind with white, yellow or red mould, according to the maturing. Brushed or washed. Supple cheese, slightly resistant in the mouth. Nutty taste. Smell of mushrooms and cellars.

Its maturing

3 to 8 weeks, depending on the type (farmer or dairy cheeses). Raw or pasteurized milk. Curd obtained by adding rennet to the milk while warm. Brken, moulded and pressed. Salted and wrapped in a cloth, put back into moould and pressed again. Washed in brine. Matured on a bed of rye starw.

Its history

It is important to note that Auvergne is the only region in France to produce 5 AOC-label cheeses and Saint-Nectaire is one of them.

It was first brought to the table of Louis 14th by « Henri de la Ferté-Senneterre », the Marshal of France. The reputation of this cheese was made in 1768, with the book « Travel to Auvergne » in which the author, Legrand d'Aussy, writes that « If someone wants to treat you, they always bring Saint-nectaire out ».

Not less than 15 litres of milk are needed to make a Saint-Nectaire. When the cheese has been pressed, the whey is tipped away, and it is given a casein label. A green oval casein label indicates that the Saint-Nectaire is a farmer cheese.A square green label indicates that is a dairy cheese.

It is used to make Christmas soup, saint-Nectaire brioches or roast « croûtes »

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